Serving our friends, neighbors, and communities in Atlanta, Georgia with quality home healthcare.

Senior Services
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Physicians & Nurses
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Happy Seniors
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Years of Experience
Our highly skilled home care professionals provide quality, compassionate care under the supervision of the physician. Additionally, family members and caregivers are invited to participate in the care process by providing them with information, support, and guidance.

(404) 738-7319

Service Area
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Dekalb County
  • Fulton County
  • COVID-19

    Each and every day, all of our teams undergo a COVID-19 pre-screening before working with patients or for any other duty. As long as you want to receive your health care in the comfort of your home in this uncertain time, home health is a safe and effective option. You may reach us today if you have any questions. We pre-screen all our teams for COVID-19 every day – before they contact patients or report to work. Home health remains an effective method of receiving care in your home during times of uncertainty. 

    Certified Care
    We are certified by the National Senior Care Association
    ” We welcome all people and make our best effort to accommodate any possible need. “
    Wyatt Morris,
    Respect & Compassion

    Our Services

    Home Care

    A professional who stays with you at home while recovering or to help manage a long-term condition.

    In the comfort of their own homes, home health professionals treat a wide range of medical conditions.


    Professionals trained to help people managing the tasks and responsibilities of daily living.

    We can help you or a loved one improve quality of life and maintain independence in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

    Advanced Care

    Providing primary care, chronic disease management, and acute care to patients throughout all ages, as well as treating many common injuries and ailments, is part of our Advanced Care offering – just like you would receive at a doctor’s office.

    24/7 Special

    For occasions where our client needs a nurse with them 24/7, we have trained CNA’s and/or Nurses that can properly handle this.

    It is imperative to bathe or shower regularly in order to avoid common ailments, infections, and foul odors. Various factors determine how often we wash our bodies, including culture and individual health needs. Despite these opinions, health experts suggest taking a bath or shower at least once per day, especially on sensitive body parts like the genital area and underarms.

    When it comes to practicing good personal hygiene among seniors, Georgia Care has noticed that the biggest challenge is getting in and out of the bath. 

    As it is very easy for slips and falls to occur in the shower or bathroom if proper precautions are not taken, it is important to seek or offer assistance if you are experiencing such a situation. Additionally, we have found that many senior citizens who need assistance bathing and/or showering feel uncomfortable with showing their bodies to anyone, including their caregivers. As our caregivers provide personal care, they are trained to respect our clients’ dignity and respect.

    A client whose private parts can be cleaned effectively by themselves might be encouraged to do so with the help of the caregiver. As part of the washing process, our caregivers cover the rest of the body with a towel or robe whenever possible with the exception of the body part being washed. While bathing or showering with us, our clients should never feel degraded.

    Our health care providers and clients’ families help us determine the best bathing products for each client based on their individual needs. As a rule of thumb, we recommend products with neutral pH to avoid excessive drying of the skin. Caretakers have also been taught that clean, soft towels should be used to dry their clients after a shower or bath. Using a moist towel on the skin can lead to infections because of bacteria that are present.

    Caretakers are taught to avoid rubbing the skin dry to minimize irritation and the risk of dry skin developing. 

    It is better to pat them dry instead of rubbing them, and then to moisturize them with products recommended by their healthcare providers or their families.

    Among other services in our in-home care package, we also provide meals, feed, dress, groom, toilet, dental care, light housekeeping, and reminders about medications.

    and more.

    There are some conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, arthritis, and others, which can make some seemingly simple daily activities, such as brushing or flossing a teeth, very difficult. A person’s health can be negatively impacted by some medications, requiring a change in their daily dental routine.

    People with untreated dental problems, such as elderly persons or those who can’t keep their teeth clean for one reason or another, are at risk for oral diseases such bad breath, stained teeth, cavities, and gum disease are all symptoms of gum disease.. Poor dental hygiene can cause a number of serious health issues, including:

    • If bacteria enter the brain through the bloodstream or through the nerve channels in the brain, dementia – Alzheimer’s disease may develop.
    • When bacteria enter the bloodstream and enter the arteries of the heart, they may cause cardiovascular disease.
    • As a result of inhaling bacteria from infected gums and teeth, a person may suffer from respiratory infections.
    • Gum disease and other periodontal complications are more common among diabetics. Diabetes symptoms can be aggravated by inflammation of the gums.

    Due to these reasons and more, Georgia Care does not overlook dental care. For our patients’ oral health to be maintained and promoted, our dental caregivers have been trained to ensure the following.

    1. At least twice a day a client’s teeth should be brushed gently – ideally right after breakfast and before bed.
    2. At least once daily flossing is practiced or according to the instructions of the client’s healthcare provider or family.
    3. At least once a day, an antibacterial mouth rinse should be used.
    4. Using only dental products recommended by the dentist.
    5. A dentist has been educated about the importance of a regular cleaning and oral examination for the client or their family members.
    6. To prevent a dry mouth, the client needs to remain well hydrated.
    7. Seniors with removable dentures must brush their dentures every day, rinse them after every meal, and soak them at night.
    8. Every month, the toothbrush should be replaced.

    Aside from dental care/tooth brushing and flossing, the home care package also includes meal preparation, feeding, laundry, dressing, bathing, grooming, toileting, light housekeeping, medicines reminders, and other services.

    Seniors, the disabled, and those recuperating from an operation or illness find that going to the bathroom is one of the most challenging aspects of their lives. Others have conditions that affect their ability to detect when they need to use the bathroom or are injured, making it difficult or impossible for them to navigate to the bathroom. Despite this, some people still have difficulty rising from the toilet seat.

    The easiest way to fall and sustain serious injuries is when walking towards the bathroom or attempting to sit or stand on a toilet seat. Providing assistance to someone who has difficulty using the bathroom should be a priority.

    Georgia Care provides personal care services, which includes toileting. Based on the specific needs of each client, we understand how much assistance is required. While others may require complete incontinence care, some may only require assistance sitting and rising from the toilet seat. As a result, our toileting services are tailored to the individual needs of each client.

    Caregivers and clients are also susceptible to injuries during the toileting process.
    As a result, our caregivers have received formal training on safe lifting and transfer techniques.

    We provide incontinence care to clients who are in diapers for a variety of reasons, including changing diapers, undergarments, and bedclothes, controlling fluid intake, promoting pelvic exercises, etc.

    During incontinence care and/or toileting assistance, our trained professionals ensure that our clients feel no embarrassment or distress by maintaining their privacy, independence, and dignity.

    As part of our in-home care services, we offer toileting and incontinence care. This includes meals, eating, cleaning, dressing, dressing, grooming, dental care, light housekeeping, medication, reminders, and more.

    Due to reduced mobility, disabilities, injuries, and other health conditions, it can be difficult for the elderly to dress or undress on their own. Seniors may have difficulty dressing and undressing due to decreased dexterity, or the ability to manipulate the hands effectively.

    In addition to normal aging, health issues such as strokes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease can reduce dexterity.

    Clothing and styling can have a profound impact on self-esteem, which Georgia Care team members are aware of. As part of our personal care package, we offer dressed and undressed services to our clients so that they can maintain a consistent grooming routine.

    Caretakers are trained on the following topics to minimize anxiety and embarrassment from our clients and to promote their independence and comfort:

    1. When helping a client dress or undress, ensure that curtains and doors are closed.
    2. Making sure the client doesn’t feel cold when they enter the room.
    3. Wearing comfortable clothing, particularly at the waist and hips.
    4. Prior to wearing clothing, make sure it is clean, including underwear.
    5. By allowing clients to do as much for themselves as they are able to, we are promoting independence.
    6. The client should be able to choose an outfit or color of their choice.
    7. Dressing the client appropriately for the weather when going outside, especially in the summer.
    8. Assuring that the client is wearing slippers or comfortable shoes that are not slippery.
    9. When an individual is coming over, encourage them to dress up for special occasions.
    10. Informing the client and/or their family when new underwear and clothes are needed and when old, ill-fitting clothes need to be replaced.

    Dressing/undressing is included in a comprehensive package of services including meal preparation, feeding, laundry, bathing, grooming, toileting, dental care, light housekeeping, medication reminders, and more.

    Well-groomed individuals who focus on their health and personal hygiene are likely to have healthy hair, nails, skin, and teeth. However, foul smells and shaggy appearances indicate a person who is not only filthy, but also potentially unhealthy.

    Grooming can become physically difficult for individuals who are ill or older. Grooming and hygiene are important for a number of reasons, but perhaps the most important is the health of the individual. This is especially true for seniors, invalids, and individuals with compromised immune systems.

    The good news is that this can be handled a number of ways, and home care is one of the best choices for seniors and others in need of assistance.

    Georgia Care believes that our clients feel much better when they look their best. Among the individuals we assist with personal care services are those who require grooming for some reason or another.

    You can choose from these grooming services:

    • A hairdresser’s responsibilities include washing, drying, styling a client’s hair and accompanying him or her to a salon.
    • Making arrangements for the client to go to the barbershop or accompanying him/her there.
    • At least once a week, trim toenails and fingernails.
    • Assisting clients with applying nail polish.
    • Ear cleaning.
    • Beard maintenance.
    • Getting rid of nose hair.

    In addition to grooming, in-home care services include meal preparation, nursing, dressing, bathing, eating, laundry, toileting, dental care, housekeeping, medication reminders, and more.

    It cannot be overstated how important it is to wear clean clothes, especially undergarments. In addition to harboring bacteria on the inside, our bodies also contain bacteria on the outside. Our clothes pick up these bacteria as well.

    Clothing that has not been washed can be harmful to us, especially to people with weakened immunity, such as the elderly or people who have just recovered from illness. Dirty clothes can also cause garment odor.

    Similarly, our beddings may harbor a variety of microorganisms that may lead to various diseases and infections. Only thorough washing is capable of killing microorganisms.

    In addition to sweat, our clothes and bedding can hide the following harmful elements:

    • Excessive amounts of defecation and body fluids (especially in undergarments).
    • Dust mites. There may be health conditions that are triggered by these microscopic bugs, such as asthma or lowered immunity.
    • Pet hair. Coughing and allergies can be caused by pet hair.
    • Food particles. Crumbs left by food attract insects.

    For various reasons, such as reduced dexterity and limited mobility/flexibility, some seniors find doing their own laundry quite difficult or even impossible. To ensure that everyone has clean clothes and beddings without putting their bodies at risk for injury, we provide laundry services to seniors and other individuals who need them.

    These are just a few things our knowledgeable caregivers are able to do:

    1. Avoiding damage to special fabrics by reading the labels.
    2. A color-coded sort of laundry.
    3. Handling contaminated or soiled clothing.
    4. When possible, dry wet clothes immediately to avoid mold growth, which can cause infections and bad odors.
    5. Clothes and bedding that have been washed should be folded and put away.

    This service is offered as part of the in-home care package, which also includes meal preparation, feeding, bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, dental care, housekeeping, medications reminders, and more.

    In contrast to what many people assume, many aspects of nutrition affect our health, including the function of our organs, our brains, and our muscles, how we manage chronic illnesses, and much more. The food you eat determines how you live – neglecting good nutrition will result in you living an unhealthy life, just as heavy smokers will experience lung cancer as a result of their unhealthy habits.

    Preparing nutritious meals becomes more difficult as we age. People with disabilities and arthritis are usually less mobile due to their conditions..

    Everyone needs to practice good nutrition, however, the importance is greatest for seniors and invalids since illness and disease are more likely to affect them if they are malnourished. A poor diet is a leading cause of many diseases affecting seniors today, according to the WHO (World Health Organization)..

    For seniors and others who, for one reason or another, are unable to access nutritious meals, we provide meal preparation services. Our caregivers receive training to prepare tasty meals for our clients in order to ensure healthy nutrition and free them from the burden of cooking by themselves. These people are able to live longer, happier, and healthier lives by remaining in their homes.

    Among the services offered by this company are:

    • We create a meal plan tailored to meet the individual needs of the client, family, and healthcare provider.
    • Shopping for groceries.
    • Filling the pantry and refrigerator.
    • Meal preparation and snack preparation.
    • Encouraging clients to take part in the preparation of meals (for those who can still do so).
    • Clients who need assistance with their meals may receive feeding assistance.

    As part of our in-home care package, we also provide grooming, dressing, bathing, dental care, child care, laundry, toileting, and medication reminders.

    Approximately 55% of seniors in America do not follow their medication instructions, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Taking their medications on time means they don’t take them and don’t follow the instructions they receive from their healthcare provider. As a result of adverse reactions, about 200,000 seniors are admitted to hospitals each year.


    The following are some of the reasons seniors don’t take their medications as prescribed:

    • A vision challenge is an inability to distinguish between medications or find their medications.
    • Dementia, in particular, causes memory loss. This results in them forgetting to take their medications or having trouble remembering whether they’ve taken them.
    • Having difficulty swallowing medications is dysphagia. Many seniors chew medications that should be swallowed whole because of this. Such behavior can be dangerous.

    In many cases, people fail to take prescription drugs as prescribed, especially if they have a chronic condition like diabetes or high blood pressure and forget to take their medications or overdose because they forgot they’ve already taken one.

    Our medication reminder service is strictly non-medical, meaning our caregivers can only remind clients to take their medication and provide minimal assistance if needed. Additionally, this service is not meant for senior citizens alone but can be used by any adult who may need to be reminded about taking their medications.

    This particular service involves the following tasks and responsibilities:

    • Make sure your medications are well-stocked.
    • Assuring that the client takes his or her medications on time and in the proper dosage.
    • Maintaining a record of new medications.
    • At the drug store, picking up medications and refills.
    • Assisting the client in getting medication refills or reviews at the doctor’s office.
    • Helping the client administer their medications by handing them their medications and opening their containers.

    Our in-home care package includes a variety of services, including medication reminders as well as grooming, bathing, dressing, laundry, toileting, light housekeeping, meal preparation, feeding, and dental care.


    Our mission is to provide the best services.

    • Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
    • Behavioral Health Nursing
    • Care Transitions
    • Chronic Disease Management
    • Fall Prevention
    • Heart Disease
    • Home Health Aides
    • Infusion Therapy
    • Medical Social Work
    • Medication Management
    • Nutritional Consultant
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Pain Management
    • Patient/Caregiver Training
    • Personal Emergency Response System
    • Physical Therapy
    • Skilled Nursing
    • Smooth Transition from Hospital Discharge to Home Health
    • Speech Therapy
    • Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing
    Great Staff
    Our nurses respond every time with a big warm smile.
    Features / 01

    Are you having trouble managing your medications at home? Taking the right dosage at the right time and frequency is something we teach you how to do safely…

    Get to know why home health can help you live a more fulfilling life.

    Medicare or Medicaid generally cover home health services for patients who meet their eligibility requirements. Aside from private health insurers and managed care organizations, workers’ compensation may also cover home health care services.

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